myPinballs Tournament System | FAQ

  • How does it work?
    Our system is written using the latest Java Web technology that allows connections to any networked game anywhere in the world. All scores are submitted automatically to our system at the end of a game and the best scores are displayed on our site home page and on the screens of participating games during attract mode.
  • How do I join in?
    All you need to do to join in is register for an account on this site and upgrade your RFM Game computer.
  • How do I register?
    Click the join now button on the main page and fill in your details
  • How do I upgrade my Revenge from Mars?
    You need to add a network card and a barcode reader to your game. If you read the techincal setup page it will give you all the info you need. We offer a service to upgrade your rfm computer and supply the barcode reader if you don't want to do it yourself.
  • Why do I need a barcode reader?
    The barcode reader is how the system identifies you from another player. When you swipe your badge your player id is sent to the system to check you exist and again at the end of a game with your score to be saved. If you don't have a barcode reader you can still play. All your scores will be logged against your main account (The account with your external IP recorded in the profile)
  • How do I print my badge?
    Log in to your account from the main page and select the 'My Badge' option. This will load a pdf of your personal badge. Print it out and laminate
  • How many credits do I get?
    You get an unlimited amount of credits. Just swipe your card to add 1 credit at a time
  • How much does it cost?
    Currently there is no charge for this service. I am running it for free as a benefit of owning a networked Revenge from Mars. However it does cost me to run/maintain my servers and so a subscription may be introduced in the future. Contact us with your thoughts on this. A monthly subscription would likely be £4.99, would give you unlimited usage and access to the online score backup service
  • Can I make a donation?
    Yes you certainly can! Send your donations using PayPal to
  • How long does the tournament run for?
    Our tournaments are currently set to run for an unlimited amount of time, though this may change to yearly
  • Are all my scores recorded?
    Yes, you have access to all your scores whenever you created them. A great way to reliably keep you score history
  • Are the score results instant, or is there a delay?
    All scores are instantly recorded at the end of a game and are live on our system from that moment. All revisions to player positions and score displays are automatically updated
  • Will I see the scores results on my own game screen?
    Yes, the scores will scroll up on your game screen during attract mode
  • Will you run a Star Wars Episode 1 Tournament?
    Maybe, if there is enough interest. Contact us if you want to see this feature
  • Won't people just Cheat?
    There is a certain amount of honesty that's expected with this system, seeing as the machines can be spread all over the world. It would be possible to cheat and submit a false score having removed the glass from a game, though where's the fun in that.... We ask you to set your game up as set outlined on the 'Game Setup' page and leave the glass on!